


“when you start to sing yourself in the deep dark forest” FacingX. An antimusical on temporality While I’m writing these words the waltz of the blue danube haunts me, it is crawling under my skin, completely imbue, maybe it is…


static [ˈstatɪk]:Adjective:– lacking in movement, action, or change, especially in an undesirable or uninteresting ​way– forces in equilibrium.Noun:– an electrical charge of ​materials when they are rubbed.– noise, magnetic interference Our performance-presentation is based on television static, which is the…

Essays on Being-with

Essays on being with – Residency at the Grotowski Institute During the residency we explored ways of being with instead of being for. Being with ourselves, being with the audience, being with the people, being with each other. How can…


“If a snake (which is rare) devours itself, is there a snake-sized void left behind?” The man who has lost his inner compass stands in the space. Silence settles over him. A pair of eyes watches him unblinking, no longer…